Justice miscarried: The sad story of veteran and Marine hero Jake Gardner
The former Marine who shot and killed a Black Lives Matter “protester” in self defense has committed suicide, yet another victim of a new...
The truth, like it or not
The former Marine who shot and killed a Black Lives Matter “protester” in self defense has committed suicide, yet another victim of a new...
Nothing can enhance the right person’s reputation like passing on. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is no exception. The 87-year-old Supreme Court...
They didn’t just change your behavior. They changed your mind. Overnight, you began distrusting your fellow man and placing that trust in...
As of Friday morning, there have been 179 line-of-duty deaths of police officers in 2020. That number is mind-numbing. It is greater than...
We live in an era where even fact checkers require fact checks. Facebook has partnered with a number of third-party so-called “fact...
A rapidly growing number of Americans are rebelling against governments overreaching their authority by shutting down churches, issuing...
As the electoral buzz continues to grow around the nomination of Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) as Joe Biden's would-be vice-president,...
A landmark poll of an incredibly large sampling of 20,000 Americans, undertaken by the Knight Foundation and Gallup and published August...
The U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) has a legendary history of bravery and esprit de corps when it comes to defending America’s freedom. From...
Never have I seen such a blatant effort to silence Americans and prevent truth from being told. This week, that is precisely what the...
The Chinese government is conscripting Chinese ethnic minorities into forced labor. Modern commerce often distances consumers from...
Analysis/Opinion Just six short months ago, we were a confident, secure nation. We were somewhat concerned, but not so much, about...
A Brooklyn woman was killed after attempting to reason with several people illegally setting off fireworks in the neighborhood of East...
Taiwanese Foreign Minister Joseph Wu warned on Wednesday that communist China was readying its military to overtake Taiwan, which is...
Imagine a large grizzly bear is terrorizing your neighborhood. You have a potent bear spray and a Colt Commander ACP .45 loaded with...
There are plenty of good reasons to leave the teachings of Karl Marx and Friederich Engels on the dung heap of history. Chief among them...
A recent New York Times article by Jeremy W. Peters claims it is a “fact” “that black people suffer disproportionately from police...
There are many things that makes the United States unique among countries. We are a young thing, only 244 years old, which is a toddler...
Former Secretary of State John Kerry is using some dangerous rhetoric about the 2020 election. It is not inaccurate to say he is...
The notion that Hitler learned anything — anything at all — from the Democratic Party here in the U.S. seems, on the face of it,...