Act of War: Clear evidence China attacked us with the Wuhan Virus
The current pandemic has at its center a virus that, it must be admitted, would be the perfect biological weapon, if that was what it was...
The truth, like it or not
The current pandemic has at its center a virus that, it must be admitted, would be the perfect biological weapon, if that was what it was...
On Saturday, police in Kansas City, Missouri “intervened” to shut down a parade of elementary school teachers. The staff of John Fiske...
As President Trump touts the efficacy of an antimalarial drug that could help mitigate the effects of the Wuhan virus, a Democrat state...
When President Trump said this week that the United States had done more testing than South Korea, USA Today was quick to fact-check his...
An engineer has been arrested on suspicion of derailing a train at full speed near the USNS Mercy in California. The ship is a floating...
Analysis/Opinion Churches across the country are closed. That’s the first time since the 1918 Spanish Flu outbreak that sentence can be...
Almost no one on the Left understands what needs to be done during this nation's war on the Wuhan virus. From AOC wanting "reparations...
David Plouffe, who worked as a campaign manager and adviser to former President Barack Obama, predicted President Donald Trump will...
In spite of the grossly transparent efforts of the Democrat-state-controlled media to paint President Trump as incompetent, xenophobic...
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin arrives at the U.S. Capitol with White House Director of Legislative Affairs Eric Ueland and Acting...
The nation's leading allergy and infectious disease doctor continues to affirm he and President Trump are on the same page about how to...
Though I’m not a doctor, I am a psychologist, which means I’m a scientist, though one of a more subjective nature than the science of...
Analysis/Opinion I was raised a Democrat. My parents, like most people of their Greatest Generation (Depression and World War II) were...
Analysis/Opinion Wuhan Virus did not birth the Bear Market. And that Bear Market will be short-lived. Shocking to you? Well, it's true....
Despite being a non-candidate — thus far — former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is showing a great deal of interest in the 2020...
BREAKING NEWS: As this piece was being published, additional questions have arisen Friday about Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA) also has over...
Ever watch Shark Tank? If you’re a conservative, probably not. You would have gotten sick of seeing Obama’s face every other episode and...
What you have been told to believe about coronavirus is, in most cases, just plain wrong. Whether intentionally, hysterically or...
Champaign, Illinois Mayor Deborah Frank Feinen has declared a town emergency over the coronavirus that includes the power to violate...
Yet another young, new Republican candidate for Congress has catapulted herself into the national media spotlight, vying to displace...