by Mike Nichols, Publisher | March 15, 2021 | 1113 CT
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Memes posted on social media are thought by many to be a creative way to express their displeasure or to warn others of serious political and social issues. A meme can instantly raise the ire or inflame the passions of those who view them. Unfortunately, the meme also is just as soon forgotten when the reader scrolls past it to the next controversial issue of the day on their timeline.
Unfortunate, because thousands of those posts that are calling attention to our nation's rapid descent into Fascism. They warn of the kind of evil Nazi Germany embraced, leading to a worldwide conflict that had the future of democratic peoples everywhere hanging in the balance.
Make no mistake, the threat to our existence as a free democratic republic is real, and it has advanced nearly to the point of no return. Our nation teeters on the brink of totalitarianism and rule by those who would turn the U.S. into a police state. Even now, they plot to destroy our freedoms and liberties despite having one of the thinnest majorities in the history of the House of Representatives and of the Senate.
Fascists masquerading as a U.S. political party are trying to push through some of the most sinister legislation that has ever been considered for enactment in this country. A phalanx of bills introduced since the 117th Congress was seated January 4 would do irreparable damage to our Constitution, our free election process, our right to speak freely in opposition and our right to challenge dictators by exercising our Second Amendment rights.
Additionally, forces sympathetic to their efforts are fabricating crises in the arenas of immigration, race relations, gender issues and cultural conflicts.
Let's begin with Democrats' legislative agenda. HR.1 — a numerical designation traditionally reserved for the majority party's objectives for each two-year session of Congress — passed the House March 6. It is fraudulently titled "The 'For the People' Act" and is anything but. Critics claim, with accuracy, that the bill would radically alter the election process, unconstitutionally removing control of federal elections from each state and placing it in the hands of the federal government.
It permanently expands online voter registration and mail-in balloting. Most disturbing, in creates "independent commissions" that would redraw congressional districts rather than allowing each state legislature to handle that process after each census.
Consider that the controls at the federal level will likely ensure that no constitutional conservative can ever be elected again and project that fact onto the makeup of the commissions that redraw the districts. We quickly reach the conclusion the redistricting will further negate the possibility of Democrats ever having to relinquish control of the federal government. They can do as they please with impunity.
Additionally, HR.1 seeks to silence dissent. Provisions buried within it would weaken the ability of organizations and individuals to positively impact public policy. The First Amendment applies equally to mass media organizations, nonprofits and unions as surely as it does individuals. It is the reason such groups can speak out in opposition to government actions without fear of criminal penalties.
HR.1 would strip such business and associations of their First Amendment protections. It would also criminalize "anonymous speech," of the type patriots used to rally dissent against England leading up to the American Revolution. Think Thomas Paine, Patrick Henry. Think of the writers of the Federalist Papers in the years following the establishment of our democratic republic.
That is not the only dangerous piece of legislation the Fourth Reich is attempting to ram down the throats of the American people. HR.8, the "Bipartisan Background Checks Act" — yet another false title — makes private gun sales illegal.
Another set of bills introduced in the House and the Senate would attempt to reestablish the 1994-2003 "assault weapons" ban. What they describe as assault weapons are nothing more than hunting rifles that have been used for 70 years. Sen. Diane Feinstein, (D-CA) and Sen. David Cicilline (D-RI) support their legislation with patently false statements that the original ban reduced mass shooting by 37%. The reality was there was absolutely no affect whatsoever on crime, mass shootings or otherwise.
Then there are the social issues the Fascist Democrats are using to further divide the American people.
One could even credit two groups on the Left with beginning this rapid descent into totalitarianism. BLM and Antifa latched onto the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis Memorial Day 2020 and ignited riots, looting and the targeting of police officers across the country. Twenty-six officers died and over 1,300 others were injured at the hands of these thugs over the next six months, with few of the perpetrators being brought to justice.

The Fascists of the Democrat Party blatantly encouraged anarchy in the streets, repeating the "Black Lives Matter" mantra at every opportunity and demonizing anyone who dared suggest that "all lives matter." They were "shocked and horrified? anyone would demand that the death and destruction should be stopped by whatever means necessary, condemning such thoughts as racist, white nationalist and white supremacist. Criminals, gangsters and goons could do no wrong as long as they punctuated their crimes with anti-white rhetoric.
Academia weighed in with alleged scientific proof that white people were all racist, bigoted and haters of people of color. "White privilege," the concept that mere skin color set certain people above others, was condemned. "White guilt" and "white shame" were encouraged as appropriate attitudes of the Caucasian people of the U.S. to "atone" for their "sins" of "racism" for the last 400 years.
Finally, through executive orders and directives, Biden is attempting to illegally and unconstitutionally govern by fiat. He is being sued by dozens of energy companies over his "capricious and unconstitutional" ban on new oil leases on federal lands, the law stating clearly that only Congress can make such a determination. He is threatening to issue an executive order "to get weapons of war off our streets," a direct contravention of the Second Amendment.
The order shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline, on its face, appears to violate the Fifth Amendment which forbids the government from taking property without proper remuneration. The various attacks on States' Rights in his executive orders violate the Tenth and Fourteenth Amendments.
Biden has published a total of 56 such actions, most of which usurp legislative powers of Congress by rewriting federal laws on immigration, discrimination protections — specifically, violating Title IX protections in women's sports — and yet another Fifth Amendment violation that would put private prison facilities out of business. That is just scratching the surface but to continue would require writing a book.
ACV Reports has said it before, this is Hitler's Nazi playbook. Everything we have detailed to this point is exactly as Hitler did in seizing power, eventually ascending to the seat of power in Germany when he was named Reichchanzler in 1933. What are the steps in that playbook?
Demonize a large segment of society as creating every "problem" the nation faced; for Hitler it was the Jews, for Fascist Democrats, it is white people.
Silence criticism; Hitler forcibly closed all media that criticized him, Democrats are trying to establish the authority, through legislation, to do the same
Create a mechanism by which one-party rule is possible; Hitler simply dissolved the legislature — the Reichstag — and burned the building where it met; the Democrats are trying to subvert the Constitution, through HR.1, to accomplish the same thing.
Outlaw private ownership if firearms; Hitler did it by executive fiat, Biden has issued an executive directive to that effect and is waiting for the Fascists to pass legislation in support of it.
Repeat lies often enough that they become accepted truth. Hitler's method and that of the Democrats is identical.
Fascist Democrats are extremely close to accomplishing these goals, objectives that have been in their hearts for at least two generations of legislators if not longer. There is little anyone can do to stop them, given the blind and ignorant adherence to the party line demonstrated by House members and the powerlessness Republicans have in the Senate to block legislation without at least one Democrat joining their ranks in opposition.
The Fascists plan to change the Senate filibuster rule to enable them to bring their sinister bills to the floor for a vote with a simple majority rather than the currently-required 60 vote threshold. Once they achieve that, it is over.
Before there is another national election, our constitutional government will have fallen and we will in fact be a Fascist police state.
Our guns will be targeted for confiscation, our freedom to speak and act freely will be negated and our government will be the enemy of the people. We will cease to be the "shining city on a hill" we have been for 245 years, our flame extinguished, our hopes shattered.
Our only hope is for states opposed to this power grab resist each imposition by presidential fiat, to negate every unconstitutional law, to refuse to allow by flames of freedom to be extinguished by tyranny and authoritarianism.
Our best chance of success lies in our own strength, in being prepared to do the unthinkable but absolutely necessary: To take up arms against our own government, which will no longer have the right nor privilege of claiming to be representative of We the People.
Never have we thought this time would come. But very soon, it may. We must decide now, are we going to acquiesce, or are we going to fight to preserve what our Founders and Framers left to us to defend and protect? I've decided. Have you?