by Mike Nichols, Publisher | March 18, 2021 | 1131 CT
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America used to be referred to as "The Great Melting Pot," where all peoples, colors and religions could come and be their best selves, making better lives, stronger families and one nation. Fascists are set on destroying that narrative. (Photo: Joana Toro/VIEWpress/Corbis)
Tuesday evening, Robert Aaron Long, 21, of Woodstock Georgia, entered a massage parlor in Acworth, about 10 miles from his home, and opened fire. He killed four people, three of them Asian women who worked at the business. From there, he drove to Atlanta where he killed two people each in massage parlors across the street from one another.
Long fled south and was stopped by Georgia State Troopers who had to use a PIT maneuver to take him into custody. He was returned from Crisp County where he was arrested and is now jailed in Cherokee County facing at least four first-degree murder charges plus other felonies associated with the shootings and his effort to avoid capture.
Media on the Fascist Left immediately seized on the apparent scenario: White man, Asian women. Hate crime. Had to be, and that is the story they ran with for the next 12 hours. Joe Biden got in on the act Wednesday, decrying "yet another" act of violence against Asians, which he claimed are on the rise. His surrogate liar, Jen Psaki, reiterated the accepted narrative on the podium of the White House press room later in the day.
Problem was, Long had already given police a totally different reason for the shootings, which had absolutely nothing to do with race. He claims to have a sex addiction, which is a very real and serious diagnosis that requires intense treatment and therapy to bring under control. Long said he had frequented the massage parlors where he killed the eight people and wounded at least one other, seeing them as a temptation that fed the addiction he was powerless to restrain.
That didn't stop the media, however, from hammering on the "hate crime" plot line they adopted — totally withou9t evidence — until they were finally forced to abandon it Wednesday evening when his confession became widely known. It was addiction, not racism.
There was a time when this kind of deliberate manipulation of a news event would have forced a newspaper or television station to rapidly retreat from their error. Additionally, it required months if not years to regain the trust of the patrons. Not anymore. In fact, a good many of their readers and viewers will insist it "really was racism" and ignore the true facts of the matter. It feeds their need for marking their enemies on the right as evil and subhuman. It gives them permission to be insufferably nasty and hostile to those on the right.

Robert Aaron Long, 21, of Woodstock, Georgia is currently held in Cherokee County on four first-degree murder charges and other felonies associated with his shooting rampage at three Atlanta-area massage parlors and his efforts to elude capture. (Photo: Vance Little/Atlanta Constitution)
The Georgia mass shooting is just the most recent example of how the Fascist Left is destroying harmony, tolerance and cooperation among people of differing ethnicities and cultures in the U.S. The lapdog media of the Left attempted to drive the story in the direction most advantageous to their handlers in the Democrat Party, the flagship of the Fascists in America. Had they been able to get to the deputies and to Long himself, they may well have succeeded in doing so.
Other, less violent examples of this tactic have recently surfaced and are numerous. Columbia University earlier this week announced separate graduation ceremonies for blacks, Native Americans, Asians, the LGBTQ+ community and (presumably) whites, though they didn't mention the latter group in their media release.
When backlash to that stupid idea developed, the university attempted to backtrack, claiming it was "all voluntary" and that students didn't have to attend the (obviously racist) ceremonies, and oh, by the way, we're going to have one big ceremony for everyone, too.
Everyone has heard of the cancel-culture attacks on Dr. Seuss (Theodor Geisel) and his older works from the 40s and 50s that they claimed contained "racial imagery and references" that were unacceptable today and therefore racist for all time.
Other classic books, movies and works of art have been similarly canceled without consideration of the fact that society has changed dramatically since then, and removing isolated references that were acceptable in the day they were created destroys our ability to enjoy those significantly worthy efforts today. It is criminal what the cancel-culture is doing.
But it is all part of their grand design. The world hasn't suddenly awakened and become highly sensitive to every small and nearly imperceptible slight. No, the Fascist Left is deliberately destroying the unity, harmony and cooperation that Republicans have built up through hard work and civil rights legislation over the last 60 years.
Their driving force behind this insanity is so-called "critical race theory," a junk-science concept that is being hastily turned into a curriculum they are willing to jam down the throats of every school district in the nation.

Critical race theory has taught an entire generation of blacks that thee is no positive interaction possible with whites that does not, in the long term, discriminate against them and demean them as people. (Photo: Jennifer Vang/Getty Images)
This dangerous, destructive "theory" is not new, though it is just now newly discussed. Critical race theory has been under development for 40 years and is attempting to convinced an entire generation of black Americans that no positive interaction with whites is possible. This Fascist lie claims that racism is always present, that it is inherent in whites and is so endemic in white psychological makeup that thee can no longer see it in themselves.
Whites are unconsciously racist and totally unaware of their racism. How convenient!
Critical race theory is subversive. It undermines the constitutional principles and the hard-won realities of our current societal makeup. Theorists behind this abomination, Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic, have written that "racism is ordinary, not aberrational — "normal science," the usual way society does business, the common, everyday experience of most people of color in this country.”
In other words, they believe racism is present in every aspect of life, every relationship and every interaction between whites and people of color. Delgado and Stefancic urge those who adhere to their racist ideas to look for their bizarre redefinition of racism in every aspect of their lives.
One of the founders of Critical Race Theory, a (now deceased) scholar at Harvard Law named Derrick Bell, made his “Interest-Convergence Thesis” central to the theory. He claimed white people only give black people opportunities and freedoms when it is also in their own interests and therefore blacks should not trust any attempt by whites to make racism less prevalent.
The truly sinister ideas within critical race theory have to do with its concepts of individual and societal freedoms and liberties. The theory treats race issues as “socially constructed groups,” so there are no individuals in critical race theory. Advocates of this treasonous concept want to dismantle our free society and replace it with something they control.
Critical race theory teaches that science, reason, and evidence are a “white” way of knowing t hings. They teach that storytelling and lived experience are a “black” alternative to science. That idea hurts everyone, especially black people, by destroying rational thought, historical records and systematic structured thought. It leaves a void that can then be filled with the propaganda of the theory, which has no scientific basis whatsoever.
Finally, critical race theory rejects all potential alternatives, like colorblindness, as forms of racism, making itself the only allowable game in town. Further, advocates of this nonintellectual concept act as though anyone who disagrees with them does so for racist and white supremacist reasons, even if those people are black.
There is one word for all of this. Totalitarianism.
Critical race theory can never be satisfied. It becomes an activist black hole that threatens to destroy everything into which it is introduced. It is being touted by the Fascist Left Democrats as the answer to "systemic racism," a catch phrase they have adopted the last couple years that has absolutely no meaning — there is no such thing.
We must immediately begin to address this threat to our democracy, freedoms, liberties and rights. It is late in the game and soon it will be too late for us to rally and defeat it.