Former Vice President Joe Biden got involved in a heated exchange with a pro-gun autoworker and ended up declaring the man was ‘full of shit.”
Biden was touring an assembly plant for Fiat Chrysler in Detroit, Michigan on Tuesday and met with The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers when the man began pressing him on his position on gun control.
‘You are actively trying to end our Second Amendment right and take away our guns,’ the man told Biden – and the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination did not hold back.
‘You’re full of shit,’ He told the worker before telling those around him to ‘shush.’
‘I support the Second Amendment…I have a shotgun, I have a 20-gauge, a 12 gauge. My sons hunt…I’m not taking your guns away.’
But the man doubled-down and said ‘viral’ videos show Biden and Texas congressman, Beto O’Rourke, who endorsed Biden last week, both advocated for taking people guns away. ‘I did not say that. That’s not true. I did not say that…It’s a viral video like the other ones they’re putting out that’s simply a lie,’ Biden replied.

Five primaries and one caucus (in North Dakota) have 338 more delegates up for grabs on this 'Mini-Super Tuesday." (Illustration: ACV Reports)
However, the worker insisted and Biden eventually tells him, ‘Wait, wait, wait, wait, we’ll take your AR-15s away.’ ‘This is not OK, alright,’ the man said, again angering Biden. ‘Don’t tell me that, pal, or I’m going to go outside with your ass,’ the former vice president said.
‘You’re working for me, man!’ the worker shouted back.
‘I’m not working for you. Don’t be such a horse’s ass,’ Biden said as he walked away.
Michigan is a key state in Tuesday’s voting contests which will see six states cast ballots for presidential nominees. Michigan has 125 delegates up for grabs and is the biggest prize of "Super Tuesday II." Washington state, which has 89 delegates, Missouri, with 68, and Mississippi with 36 delegates, and Idaho with 20 are also voting in primaries on Tuesday.
North Dakota is holding caucuses with 14 delegates at stake.
Opinion shows Biden with a commanding lead in Michigan. However, Hillary Clinton was also projected to win big in the state in 2016, but Sanders pulled off a stunning upset despite predictions.