No one is above the law. The Left is quite fond of intoning that phrase, which is largely meaningless to them. That includes traitors, of course. Today, I outline why “traitor" is not an inappropriate label for James Comey, John Brennan, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and others.
There is a distinct possibility that others, all the way to Obama's Oval Office, were also involved in treason. That needs to be investigated as well. But for now, I'll ask you, what happens to traitors? In the past, we hanged them
We have known, at least since December, that there was an unmistakable conspiracy to subvert President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, transition team and current administration by entrenched elites in the highest echelons of the U.S. Department of Justice and former President Barack Obama’s FBI.
The knowledge that the leader of this cabal was former FBI Director James Comey — a dirty cop who had no business running a lemonade stand, much less America’s premier law enforcement agency.
First came the allegations contained in the DOJ Inspector General’s report. That was quickly followed within a week by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, or FISC, dropped an ignominious present on Christmas Eve 2019 at Comey et al's doorstep by issuing a stinging and extraordinary rebuke of Comey’s FBI. Our worst suspicions were confirmed.
Corrupt FBI agents worked alongside Comey — who staunchly supported Hillary Clinton in the lead up to the 2016 presidential election. The incriminating texts between Chief of Counterintelligence Division Peter Strzok and his paramour FBI attorney Lisa Page are enough to convict them of plotting to overthrow the president.
Strzok insisted the illicit investigation continue into newly-appointed National Security Advisor Gen. Michael Flynn — despite the field office that had investigated him stating the file should be closed for lack of evidence. Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe authorized it, knowing the contents of the field office investigative file.
Then there is John Brennan, CIA Director under Obama.
As part of a review of the Russia investigation, U.S. Attorney John Durham has been scrutinizing any possible undue influence Brennan may have had during the 2017 intelligence community assessment of Russian interference. Durham is reportedly reviewing Brennan’s handling of a secret source said to be close to the Kremlin and whether he used an unverified dossier compiled by Christopher Steele, a former British spy.

Ex-CIA Director John Brennan, while he was accusing Donald Trump and his campaign of treason, likely committed the crime himself in arranging “cut-outs” to feed false information to the Trump Campaign. (Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
ACV Reports documented meetings between Trump campaign advisors Carter Page and George Papadopoulos, who spent 14 days in prison for supposedly lying to the FBI. Both met with shadowy figured during European trips in 2015 and 2016.
Those meetings, as ACV Reports stated at the time, appear to have been orchestrated by Brennan, using “cut-outs" — spies who appear to be one thing but are actually something quite different. In this case, the cut-outs posed as Russian agents with information damaging to Hillary Clinton.
The problem for Brennan, Comey, etc. was that neither of the aides bit on the information. Both returned to the U.S. and told Trump Campaign officials there was something “not right” about the information and they felt it should be ignored.
To counteract their failure, the cabal knowingly lied and misled the secret surveillance court, withholding material information and exculpatory evidence to deceptively obtain warrants to spy on Page.
They also set out to entrap Flynn to either get him fired, or — best case scenario in their feeble minds — get him convicted of a process crime so they could leverage him against President Trump.
The sole reason for these illegal actions was to keep the Russia Collusion probe alive. That is despite the evidence that Comey and Brennan both knew in January 2017 that the Steele Dossier upon which their entire collusion premise was built was nothing but barroom talk — bragging, speculating, “bullshitting” if you will.
Now, knowledgeable veterans of the intelligence and law enforcement communities are calling for the group to be charged and tried for treason — with the maximum penalty available for imposition, if applicable. That would be execution.
There was a time when I believed that, certainly, the allegations needed to be investigated, a trial held and a sentence imposed, if any or all were convicted. Execution never crossed my mind.
It is obvious, now, however, the death penalty should not be off the table.
This was nothing short of an attempt to pull off a bloodless coup. It was an effort by these arrogant, self-righteous guardians of the Deep State to overthrow a duly elected president and attempt to gain control of the government of the United States.
How arrogant and self-righteous? Comey joked on The 92nd Street Y about violating the law. Brennan sneered at Senate Republicans and pointedly ignored their questions.

Some who have left the intelligence community are outspoken critics of the “Deep State” that the spy agencies have become. Bryan Dean Wright has gone so far as to call for the death penalty against the Comey/Brennan cabal if it is warranted. (Photo: Cathy Lyn Snyder)
A former CIA operative argued Saturday that former Comey and Brennan should be, if pronounced guilty by a jury of their peers, put to death over their roles in the Russia investigation, the FISA Court violations and the attempted co-opting of George Papadopoulos, Carter Page and Gen. Flynn. Yeah, they ran that gambit a lot.
Bryan Dean Wright reacted to the FBI’s treatment of former National Security Adviser Flynn, which was detailed in a cache of FBI records unsealed late Wednesday, April 30. The records confirmed, and added to, the information about how the FBI planned to interview President Trump’s national security adviser and whether the goal was to get Flynn to tell the truth or catch him in a lie so that he could be charged with a crime or removed from his position.
The chilling revelation contained within the FBI’s records released last week confirmed the Office of Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report released last December. Horowitz’s report found 17 significant errors and omissions by the FBI that effectively duped the secret court into believing it had probable cause to eavesdrop on the Trump campaign. Why? To target — and, ultimately, frame — Donald Trump and his campaign associates, and help Hillary Clinton win the 2016 election.
“We have these unelected bureaucrats who [had] decided they’re going to take out a member of the Trump administration,” Wright told Fox News, later adding, “We have this very clear case of James Comey and a whole bunch of other folks on the senior level of the FBI trying to get people fired or criminally charged — not because the facts warranted it or the law called for it but because of their own personal, partisan agendas.”
Why such a strong reaction to the truth behind the Flynn entrapment? Gen. Flynn had been fired from his leadership of the Defense Intelligence Agency when he refused to go along with the supposedly “unanimous assessment” scam that the Russians had colluded with Trump to steal the election. He had vowed, as National Security Advisor, to guide a complete overhaul of the U.S. intelligence apparatus, a move that is long overdue.
“If [Durham] can prove that case and prosecute people like the James Comeys, and I think a guy like John Brennan, what I hope will happen is they will try to find whatever the most extreme form of punishment ... that they can to throw at these guys,” Wright said.
“I’d love to see the death penalty,” he continued. “because these men are traitors.”
Of course, the signees of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants — all Bush and Obama appointees — did so under the ruse of “Trump-Russia collusion,” a manufactured conspiracy theory by the Left and promoted by the complicit Left-wing, Democrat-loyal media.
That contrived “conspiracy and/or collusion” has since been debunked by several congressional and DOJ investigations, and especially the 22-month special counsel investigation that found no such evidence of collusion or other wrongdoing.
Now it is time to put the perpetrators of this treason on trial, to preserve this nation and show others they cannot dare attempt such a coup again.
They should all be arrested and once deemed guilty, shot in front of a firing squad.