Last week, Navy SEAL and former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens was fully exonerated after what has been nearly two years of hellacious, false, and vicious accusations.
Greitens was attacked because — like President Trump — he was an outsider who represented a threat to liberals nationally, and to politics as usual.
Greitens is an American Hero: Bronze Star, Purple Heart, four deployments in the global war on terrorism. He is a great leader: named by Fortune Magazine as one of the 50 greatest leaders in the world for his innovative, groundbreaking work with veterans.
He is an unapologetic conservative: pro-police, pro-veteran, pro-jobs, pro-freedom. And he took on the establishment — including politicians in the Republican Party — by banning lobbyist gifts, defeating a pay raise for politicians, and killing a corrupt tax credit program which stole from people and lined the pockets of insiders.
Greitens earned enemies by doing the right thing.
He fired bureaucrats who were failing veterans.
He cancelled politicians’ vacations and brought them back to work until they passed legislation to bring strong jobs back to Missouri. He was the most unapologetic pro-police governor in the country.
Greitens was attacked in one of the most vicious witch hunts in modern American history.
Former St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, who attained office with massive campaign contributions from a Super PAC partially funded by George Soros, charged him for crimes with no evidence. A woman and her husband accused Greitens of threatening her, taking a nude picture of her and holding her against her will
A committee of politicians — led by his political enemies — held secret hearings, did not allow Greitens to even have lawyers present, and made a series of false and defamatory accusations in the press.
If that sounds like the recent impeachment hoax, there's likely a reason. It appears that was a test run of those same tactics as a concerted effort to drive President Donald Trump from office.
Also, an alleged "journalist" made cash payments — totaling at least $120,000 — to the couple to make those false accusations against Greitens. Other liberal journalists piled on, lied to "witnesses," and repeated a wild series of false, defamatory, and now disproven accusations.
The photo, held up as the key piece of evidence against the governor, was later admitted by the couple and Gardner as not actually existing. Some media members wound up with egg on their faces, having claimed to have "seen" the photo.
This was a coordinated attack. Liberals nationally feared Greitens. The tough Missouri governor looked to them — and not a few Republicans — like the man who could succeed President Trump and give us 16 straight years of "making America great."

Political insiders hated him. They dragged his name, his family, his friends, and his team through the mud for months, forcing him to rack up millions of dollars in legal bills.
In June, 2018, Greitens resigned, saying that it was the best and necessary decision for his family. He also said then — as he did all along — that he was innocent of the false accusations made against him.
Now he’s been proven right.
Here’s how things stand today:
The prosecutor, who was once helped by the Super Pac partially funded by Soros, is under criminal investigation for what she did to Greitens.
Her lead investigator has been charged with seven felonies for lying under oath and tampering with evidence in manufacturing a false case against Greitens. You can read the indictment here.
The Missouri Ethics Commission concluded an exhaustive, 20-month, 23-subpoeana, 8,500 document investigation, and issued an order that said that they found "No evidence of any wrongdoing by Eric Greitens."
In an unprecedented move, that commission included a clause in their order that Greitens and others reserved all criminal and civil remedies to go after the people who made false accusations.
A resolution was just introduced in the Missouri House of Representatives, calling on U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr and federal law enforcement to investigate the "journalist" and the people behind him who delivered $120,000 in cash to the couple who made false salacious accusations against the Governor in order to force him from office.
The national media have, from CNN to Breitbart, all headlined that the Commission found "No Evidence of Any Wrongdoing by Greitens."
But the Missouri media?
While a few have worked to set the record straight, many of them are still obsessed with hating Greitens. In some kind of "Mighty-Missouri Greitens-Derangement Syndrome," members of the Missouri media have resorted to calling him names and publishing imaginary conversations.
Greitens has done more for our country, for veterans, and for vulnerable people around the world, than all of his Missouri media critics combined.
Is it the media’s guilt about what they did to Greitens that makes them deranged?
Personally, I’d like to see Greitens’ name on the ballot again in Missouri as a gubernatorial candidate, and there are rumors he may make the effort.
If not, perhaps we could see him in a second Trump administration?
While it’s good that Greitens has been exonerated, the people of Missouri were still robbed of their governor. Let’s hope that the people of America are not also robbed of one of our nation’s most capable public servants.
And let the word go forth as a warning to all patriotic Americans: this is what the left, political insiders, and some member of the fake news media will do: they will commit crimes to drive conservative outsiders from office. The proof is in Missouri, but the fight has to be won across the country.