How dumb can politicians be?
While that seems like an open-ended question, Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) adds a new dimension to the possible answers.
Her Republican primary opponent, Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA), called our attention to this attempt to be slick with Georgia voters. Those jeans? $990! And where's her dog? Who anywhere in "fly over America" goes hunting without a dog?
Worse yet, Collins discovered his opponent does not have a hunting license, according to an Open Records Act request from American Bridge, a left-wing group seeking to unseat Loeffler.
Wait. "Left-wing group"? Hm. She must be too clued in for the clueless Left.
By the way, Loeffler could be fined $89.75 for hunting without a license.
While Loeffler has defended Trump since her appointment to the Senate, Collins is looking to swing the president's support as he seeks to unseat her.
Collins announced last month that he was seeking to unseat Loeffler from her newly appointed position. President Trump had unsuccessfully lobbied Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp to appoint Collins to the vacant seat instead.
GEEZ, I’m in Missouri. for pity sakes, all kinds of ladies HUNT! Also, why act like you know something about hunting if your response back is...that she doesn’t have a dog with her? Lol I used to hunt, and my youngest daughter hunts with her dad. We’ve never used dogs. Especially to go deer hunting!
As far as her jeans, who cares? What are you trying to say here? Only poor, ppl who don’t have nice things hunt?
My daughters like expensive stuff too, it’s crazy...but us hicks do work, and EARN good money!
If she has a large farm where she lives she may not need a license!
Why do you degrade ppl when you do not know all…
Never liked her from the first time I seen her!