China has almost certainly under-reported infections and deaths as a result of the Wuhan virus, according to reports form U.S. intelligence services. Though China vehemently denies the report, new evidence has surfaced that points to the truth.
Until this weekend, U.S. officials had no idea, however, just how under-reported were the victims of the virus in China.
Cell phone usage from January to March dropped dramatically, a highly unusual statistic given how vital cell phones are to the Chinese people. Cell phone are required by the Chinese government to do almost anything necessary to function in the communist society.
According to the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), between December 18, 2019 and March 19 2020, cellphone users decreased from 1.6 billion to 1.58 billion, while the number of landlines dropped 840,000 during the same period.
Digitization means the difference between life and death in China. The people cannot survive without a cell phone. Dealing with the government for pensions and social security, buying train tickets, shopping, scheduling a healthcare appointment — no matter what people want to do, they are required to use cell phones to do it.
The Chinese regime also requires all Chinese use their cell phones to generate a health code. Only with a green health code are Chinese allowed to move in China during the virus pandemic. It is impossible for a person to cancel his cell phone.
So it came a huge shock to U.S. intelligence officials when 21 million cell phone accounts in China were canceled in the first quarter of 2020. They reason that the only thing that could cause such a dramatic drop in cell phone use is (given the government requirements) would be that those users died.
Of course, China denies there is any correlation to the drop in cell phone accounts, claiming this is just the result of customers canceling additional lines— an excuse Associated Press and Snopes.com eagerly repeated.
The facts say otherwise.

A new health a pp the Chinese government requires on all cell phones to assure the lack of virus infection among its people makes it highly unlikely that, suddenly, 21 million people would cancel their cell phone service — unless, of course, they're dead. (Photo: Time, Inc.)
There are 1.44 billion people in China. According to MIIT statistics from September 2019, there were 1.6 billion cell phones. Cell phone use has seen a steady 4.1 percent increase every quarter over the last five years in China.
It is unrealistic to believe that suddenly, during the outbreak of the deadly Wuhan virus, 1.3 percent of those users would decide to cancel their cell phone service.
That is particularly true in light of a new government edict that the Chinese regime is now requiring their people to have a health check app on their phones that let officials know they are clear of the virus and its symptoms.
China continues to report fewer than 83,000 cases and the ridiculously low 3,300+ deaths. It appears they are hiding a far greater disaster than likely say between 15-20 million dead during the outbreak. Postulating their original 3.4 percent mortality rate, that would mean as many as 600 million Chinese were infected by Wuhan Virus.
That is not unreasonable, give the Chinese government allowed over five million residents of Wuhan province to move freely about the country and the world shortly after the outbreak.
China has repeatedly lied to the world about the outbreak, and now the government says it will be classifying research on the virus and how it got out of control.
It will do good for the U.S., Europe and the rest of the world to demand China share this information. Doing so would reveal it is the bioweapon that got out of control ACV Reports first revealed it to this weekend.
They have started a war, and made their own people the first casualties.