by Mike Nichols, Publisher | February 17, 2021 | 0906 CT
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Newly nominated Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Israeli-Palestinian Affairs Hady Amr used to work as the national coordinator of the anti-Israel Middle East Justice Network. (Photo: Andi Welsh/Getty Images)
Yet another militant Islamist has been appointed to a position wielding great power and influence over U.S. policy towards Israel and Palestine. Yes, that implies he isn't the first, and it establishes the dangerous path the Biden Administration is set to take toward the volatile Middle East.
Hady Amr has been nominated by Joe Biden to be the deputy assistant secretary who handles Israeli-Palestinian policy for the administration. His selection to the position comes less than a week after Biden asked Maher Bitar to become a director for intelligence on the National Security Council.
Bitar, also of Palestinian descent, was heavily involved in the first impeachment of former President Donald Trump. He holds radical anti-Israel views that have seen him rejected even by some liberal icons and institutions. Unbelievably, he has been asked to assume the role of senior director for intelligence programs at the National Security Council. Previously, he worked for the Obama Administration. Prior to that, he worked for various organizations with vehement anti-Israel agendas.
Amr is the former national coordinator of the anti-Israel Middle East Justice Network. Less than a year after 9/11, Amr wrote in an op/ed piece for militant Palestinian media that he was inspired by the Palestinian intifada — the term used to describe what is seen as a justifiable uprising against perceived oppression.
"I have news for every Israeli," Amr ranted in one column written after Sheikh Salah Shahada, the head of Hamas' Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, was taken out by an Israeli air strike.
Amr warned that Arabs "now have televisions, and they will never, never forget what the Israeli people, the Israeli military and Israeli democracy have done to Palestinian children. And there will be thousands who will seek to avenge these brutal murders of innocents."
Biden's blatant rejection of Israel as a key ally of the United States portend a disastrous realignment of our foreign policy that leaves Israel in a quandary.
President Donald Trump brokered four peace deals with Israel's neighbors, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Morocco. Those nations fear Iran far more than they hate Israel. It made sense to them, after negotiations run by the Trump State Department under Mike Pompeo, to align with another enemy of Iran to respond to the Marxist-Fascist threat from the titular "Islamic State" run by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Now the Biden Administration is threatening, through its appointment of Islamic radicals to the State Department, to take a decidedly anti-Israel stance that can only encourage the Jewish state's enemies. It is a clear demonstration of the equally Marxist-Fascist Biden administration's hostile intent toward Israel.
The woke proponents of identity politics are cheering him on as he declares an unprecedented denial of Israel's right to exist. Sadly, appointments of radicals to State are not the only indications Biden has given of the upcoming shift away from Israel.

Joe Biden is filling his administration with anti-Israel, pro-Islamic policymakers. He has also taken other actions that indicate a seismic shift in U.S.-Israeli relations. (Photo: Jeff Mallory/AP)
On the day that Biden was sworn into office, the Washington Free Beacon reported that the Biden administration changed the name of the U.S. Ambassador to Israel’s Twitter account to say, "the official Twitter account of the U.S. Ambassador to Israel, the West Bank and Gaza.” After a major outcry from various pro-Israel politicians and groups on both sides of the political spectrum, the account name was reverted back to its original state.
Then there is United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334, which condemns any Israeli presence in Judea and Samaria calling for an end to any settlement activities in what they refer to as "occupied Palestinian territory." In the final weeks of the Obama Administration, then Vice President Joe Biden and Samantha Power played a key role in pushing this resolution.
It was the first anti-Israel resolution proposed by the UN Security Council that was not vetoed by the U.S. since 2002. Instead, the U.S. abstained from voting, allowing the vote to pass. Biden, then Obama's vice-president, was a key backer of the resolution and reportedly made a phone call to Ukraine and pressured them to change their vote on the resolution from "no" to "yes," assuring that the vote would be 14-0 and giving the U.S. an excuse to abstain
In her speech to the U.N. about the United States abstention, then the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power stated that settlements in Judea and Samaria were an obstacle to peace and reaffirmed that the U.S. was committed to a two-state solution. "The settlement problem has gotten so much worse that it is now putting at risk the very viability of that two-state solution." she said.
President Trump rescinded U.S. support of the resolution and rejected the concept of a two-state solution, though the damage had already been done. Powers, by the way, has now been nominated as the head of U.S. foreign aid in Biden's administration. That also signals a return to the days of America pressuring Israel to concede land to those who seek the Jewish state’s destruction.
Continuing support for Biden by American Jews is mind-boggling — unless one realizes how different are the priorities of Jews in America versus Jews in Israel. In fact, Israel's security is last in a list of nine political issues as identified in a poll taken in May 2019 by the Jewish Electorate Institute. In order, those issues were: health care, Medicare/social security, the economy, antisemitism, gun control, abortion rights, and climate change. Then, finally, came Israel's security and sovereignty.
While every political viewpoint is important, not every political viewpoint is popular. So it is with Israel in the United States. Despite American Jews giving little care nor importance to the survival of Israel, the vast majority of Christian and secular Americans take the exact opposite viewpoint. If Biden is taking his cues from the Jewish electorate, he is taking a minority viewpoint opposed to the concerns of the electorate as a whole.
According to a February 2019 Gallup poll, the majority of Americans remain staunch supporters of Israel in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The survey showed 59% saying they sympathize more with the Israelis whereas 21% sympathize more with the Palestinians. That's a nearly 40-point separation of which the Biden administration might wisely take note.
It is unfortunately doubtful this anti-American, anti-Israel White House will rethink Israeli policy. The Biden administration is run by invisible forces that prop up demented Joe as the mere figurehead who will remain president only so long as it suits the Marxist-Fascist regime behind him.
When he ceases to be useful to them, he will be given the short shrift just as the policies he doesn't understand but is signing into effect via executive fiat, just as the appointments he is making without knowing the people behind the names, are giving short shrift to Israel.
God help Israel, God help the United States of America.