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Wokeness run amok: Even Patrick Mahomes wigs are 'racist'

Writer's picture: ACV ReportsACV Reports

by Mike Nichols, Publisher | February 12, 2021 | 13:411

Ever wonder just how ignorant the "woke" are, or do you need proof every now and then? Well, apparently, in my incredible optimism that anyone can be shown a better way, I'm one who needs to be reminded that the woke are, indeed, ignorant. Chalk me up as being perhaps too sanguine, positive and hopeful.

What is the source of my disillusionment? A 𝘒𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘢𝘴 𝘊𝘪𝘵𝘺𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳 op/ed writer. I won't embarrass him with his name. You can find it attached to his linked column and laugh at him all you want. He wrote the most out-of-touch "woke" article I think I've ever read — since I got of bed today.

This guardian of equality and cancel culture had the audacity to compare a white schoolteacher’s wearing of a Mahomes wig, complete with headband, to school last week in support the Chiefs' Super Bowl appearance — (are you ready for this?) — to appearing in black face. Yes. He did. Blatantly, defiantly, “wokely,” clueless.

The op/ed writer goes to great pains to point out that it is a “predominantly white school” with a few black students and other minorities. He further insists that these minority students suffered “embarrassment and ridicule.” Because their teacher is a Chief’s fan? Quoting Joe Biden appropriately, “C’mon man!”

No, I'm not kidding. Read it for yourself. It actually took me two minutes to figure out he was not being sarcastically pedantic. He was just being pedantic, following “the new rules” made by BLM and Antifa, endorsed by the “woke” Left made up of anarchists, Marxists, leftish fascists and — apparently — the writer of this “woke joke.”

He didn’t go to the school to ask those students if they were “embarrassed.” He didn’t go to the school to ask those students if they were “ridiculed” by other students. He didn’t care. He decided they were, and since he’s so “woke,” he’s "right."

At any rate, this was one “wokism” I couldn’t let pass. I had to email this guy and ask him just what the hell he was thinking. After careful review of his multiple responses to emails over the course of the morning, I’ve come to the conclusion that he wasn’t. And likely never does. Like most of the new order in American sociopolitical culture, he assumes his feelings are facts and, moreover, are shared by everyone — except for troglodytes like yours truly.

As evidence of that, I am publishing our email exchange, over a period of about 77 minutes, earlier Friday. I have to admit, I started our rather harshly. There’s no excuse for that, even given the moral outrage I felt at the indignation he manufactured over an innocent expression of fan support.


Stop being so damn “woke” you can’t enjoy a citywide “feel-good” moment. That article makes you look like an idiot, and I know you’re not.

After his reply, I tried to make up for that initial horrid intellectual approach. That didn’t work, either. What I managed was his immediate reversion to what I’d diplomatically call cultural language. I let my own emotions dictate my response. My regret, in hindsight, is I didn’t correct the first sentence before hitting “Send”:


That’s a damn shame people can’t stop being so “aware” they can’t enjoy the moment. It is also what I mean by being “too woke.” As someone who holds a masters in clinical psychology, I can guarantee you [the students] didn’t even think {about} feeling embarrassed and ridiculed. All they saw was their teacher getting in the mood of celebrating a Chiefs’ Super Bowl appearance. You should drop by a school sometime and see the interactions of kids ages 8-12. They are becoming world-aware but they don’t hate, they don’t discriminate, they don’t agitate. They enjoy being who they are in the group of friends they’ve developed, and, shocker of shocks, they usually pay absolutely no attention to skin color. It’s the woke people that cross their paths that teach them they have to feel different when they really don’t have to feel that way at all.

I’m program manager for a local outpatient addictions program. I have to deal now with complications brought on by this new “woke” culture and the unnatural thoughts [and] emotions that have been stuffed into the heads of young minority men and women. They have been raised to believe everything that has happened to them is because of outside influences such as bad parenting, social influences and the color of their skin. They have never been taught, much less taken the time to consider, their addictions and mental health issues are the result of bad decisions on their part, and only on their part. Look at the Ben Carsons and Herschel Walkers of the world They had zero opportunity as children, but they rose above them.

The truth our youth are being denied today is that they can do so as well. Anyone can. Color, race, ethnicity, religion or preference has nothing to do with it. Character has everything to do with it, and that can be developed. It doesn’t take government programs or “wokeness.” It takes good parenting — and that can be taught, even to bad parents. It takes mentors from their communities. Wokeness and government are not capable of doing any of that. One throws unproven theories at the problem— regardless of what “research” you want to show me. Believe me, most research today is worthless, but that’s another story — the other throws money at it. Neither [provide] answers to the problem. It is the job of the community, and most appropriately through the local church.

Please understand, I’m not discounting that bad parenting, adverse childhood experiences (you might try looking that up, its universal across racial and ethnic “barriers”) or skin color. Sure kids notice their friends don’t look the same as them, but until an adult tells them they should feel bad or “inferior” because of it, they don’t. We all need to just be a person, not a black or white or Native American or Hispanic or Asian person. Life is a lot less complicated and a lot less problematic when [we] do that. Kids know that — until people like you and I make them go against their own nature and screw up their lives.

OK, so now you also know I tend to get wordy, but, other than that first sentence, I believed I had presented a cogent argument that would at least give him pause. Obviously, I was wrong.

Op/Ed Guy:

Man, 16, 17 year old Black school children in a predominantly white school setting being exposed to a white male wearing an Afro wig is wrong. That's the point. All that other crap you typed is a deflection.


Deflection, from a psychological viewpoint, describes one person blaming others for their own faults. "Op/Ed Guy" in using the word totally misses the mark. (Photo Illustration: ACV Reports)


Slowly and carefully, I want you to reread the balance of my reply, the part our Kansas City Star op/ed writer called “deflection.” I offered facts — researched, evidence-based, statistically confirmed facts — regarding childhood development, teenage socialization patterns, color blindness during the emotional growth process, unconscionable manipulation of the youth worldview, a “bootstrap” mentality, parental education, youth mentoring and faith-based community involvement. “Op/Ed Guy” dismisses all of it as “deflection.”

I know the meaning of the word as it applies to the psychological function of every human being in the world in living a life on a daily basis. Op/Ed Guy thinks using the word “deflection” makes him sound intelligent. It doesn’t. I makes him sound ignorant, as he obviously, in the context of the exchange, has no clue what it actually means.

To his dismissive, uninformed, uneducated and counter-intellectual response, I simply replied:


You have no solutions. You are the problem. Done here. No use trying to talk to an intellectual with no insight.

Note, I said, “Done here.” No surprise, but he couldn’t let it go without attempting to justify himself, no matter how badly he provided that justification. At no time throughout his effort to do so, does Op/Ed Guy bother to address facts provided to him. He simply states feelings as facts and expects I will just accept those as does he.

Op/Ed Guy:

You wasted your time. I will never be ok with white men wearing Afro wigs. I don't care who the star QB is. Save your lecture and dissertation to this simple and basic sense of decency.

Now I admit, I could have decided to let this man go on his merry way thinking he’d won an argument. I could have let him think that despite the fact that, at no point throughout the electronic conversation, did he make any effort whatsoever to refute anything I had said or attempt to prove me wrong. All he did was express his personal feelings and expect me to accept them as fact as he has been doing for at least the last few years of the “woke culture.” But I had to reply one more time. Call me hopeful. Or stubborn. Your choice.


I told you I was done. I assumed you would think I was an annoying redneck, bigoted white guy who wasn’t worth your time, but apparently, I’ve misjudged your motivation here. I have the feeling you’re trying to justify something that has no substance, point or support. Perhaps you feel half a million Kansas Citians laughing at your column, I don’t know. Regardless, you are getting indignant [about] something that equates to a Packers fan wearing a Cheesehead, a Vikings fan wearing a horned helmet and a Bucs fan (irony of ironies) pretending to be a pirate. When will you write an op/ed about cultural appropriation as evidenced by those acts of fan support?

To his credit, he didn’t agree with me about being “an annoying redneck, bigoted white guy.” I’m sure it was a difficult internal struggle, but he managed to avoid responding to the obvious response I offered him. But even though I gave him the opportunity to provide something substantiation, he couldn’t do so, whether out of laziness or out of conviction that feelings actually are equal to facts. He sent one final reply, thus revealing emphatically he has no argument, no true conviction nor any supportable argument.

Op/Ed Guy:

You have no case bud. Just some random dude emailing and complaining... you can't challenge me on this. Grown ass white men shouldn't wear Afro wigs. It's despicable and a mockery of Black culture...

This could be an exercise in hubris on my part, I agree. In reading my replies to Op/Ed Guy one might even reach the conclusion that I was baiting him, though that certainly was not my intent. Yes, my replies are lengthy, but I do truthfully believe that I presented a cogent argument and offered him the opportunity to response in kind. He did not. Nor will he ever do so.

The woke culture is fully exposed here for all to see. They have no facts, no research. Only feelings which absolutely must be accepted as facts by those to whom they are presented, with no excuses or arguments accepted.

The very thought of that being a true and valid paradigm should be abhorrent to anyone who engages in thoughtful discourse. Men and women such as our Kansas City Star Op/Ed contributor offer no explicit empirical evidence for the validity of their viewpoint. Yet their opinions are presented throughout our so-called mainstream media, not as opinions, but as unequivocal truths.

Where are the “fact checkers” on their opinions? How are people such as this boorish, egotistical lout at the Kansas City Star allowed to infect society with their egregiously vile positions without fear or consequence?

Such men and women are dangerous. They undermine our free society by presenting perspectives they intend to be unassailable, but once assailed the purveyor of opposing opinions must be silenced, “canceled.” Invalidated.

Look again through our Op/Ed Guy’s replies. There are no perspectives offered suggesting what I have presented are somehow erroneous, incorrect, inaccurate or false. I am merely wrong because he is right. He may as well say I am wrong because I am white.

This is unquestionably the direction our country is going. First, Second, Fourth, Sixth and Tenth Amendment rights are no longer valid because they do not fit the woke narrative. A schoolteacher in suburban Kansas City cannot wear a Chiefs’ quarterback Patrick Mahomes' wig because he said so.

Turns out, that would come as a surprise to Patrick Mahomes.

Chiefs' QB Patrick Mahomes endorsed the original "Mahomes hair and headband" product when it came out his rookie season with Kansas City.. (Photo: Hasbro)



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